Missions Festival

February 4, 2024
February 11, 2024
10:30 am
Cary Alliance Church
Join us throughout the week as we hear from International Worker's and their time reaching hard places around the world.

Additional Details

The task of reaching the unreached is hard. But God remains faithful to open doors to those who have yet to experience His loving embrace. The world's remaining unreached peoples have disadvantaged access to the good news of Jesus. Over 4,000 distinct people groups lacking gospel access remain in locations from which 90 percent of their population will never migrate. Within each society of these unreached groups are also pockets of people with specific needs. These groups are often overlooked, though not by our God. The time is now. for gospel advance in the world's hardest places.

Sunday, February 4, 10:30 AM: Worship Service and Parade of Nations; AWANA

Monday, February 5, 11:30 AM: Senior Brown Bag Lunch (please bring your own lunch), International Potluck, Children's Festival and Evening Service

Wednesday, February 7, 6:00 PM: Chili Cook-off, Children's Festival and Evening Service

Saturday, February 10, 8:00 AM: Men's Breakfast

Saturday, February 10, 10:30 AM: Alliance Women's Brunch (please bring a dish to share with the group)

Sunday, February 11, 10:30 AM: Worship Service

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Kelly Miller